


Mike Cottmeyer |龙头
Mike Cottmeyer. 首席执行官
读: 为敏捷创造坚实的基础

Mike Cottmeyer解释了为什么团队级敏捷是实现业务级敏捷性的第一步。亚博vip9通道



好吧,敏捷让我有能力,它让我能够拥有一个积压的能力,以这种方式编写,使得它真的,真的很容易改变,真的很容易协商范围和管理权衡。当我有一个速度的速度,专门的团队和我了解该团队的吞吐量,我可以开始使用它作为我将能够通过的积压量的预测指标。然后,因为我知道我已经到了符合完成定义的产品的工作测试增量。我实际上很明确地了解,因为我构建了东西,我不会积累一堆技术数据,或一堆部分完成的工作,或一堆缺陷或类似的东西。And so, and so, again, a lot of agile we’ve thrown away, this idea of planning but what we need to do is we need to think about the nature of the plans, how we build plans, how we build teams, how we get to a definition of done. And then when things change, we have a really solid foundation to pivot and to learn and to make changes to the plan and to the baseline and things like that, okay. And so, so that’s where the three things story came in, okay. The challenge is, is that how do we get the methodology to work in congruence with the organizational structure, governance and metrics so that the practices in the structure work together and allow the culture to emerge? Okay. And so that’s what we’re building, but at the root right at the, at the lowest level, it’s the team. Okay. So team level agility is not sufficient for enterprise agility or organizational agility, but it’s a necessary precondition for organizational agility and enterprise agility. And when you go in and you’re talking to executives in these really, really large companies, it’s, it’s really a tough challenge because, because it’s like what I just said team level agility is necessary, but it’s not sufficient. And when soon as you start talking about team level agility, people wanna go to, well, I’m, I’m really concerned about business agility and I’m concerned about business agility too. But if you don’t have delivery level agility it’s really difficult to get the organizational agility because all these things you wanna pivot and adapt to a market, if your organizational structure in your system delivery isn’t in alignment to be able to inspect and adapt and respond, then it’s really difficult to get the business to be able to exploit that capacity in a way that gets what it needs in market.


