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The False Economy of not Changing Anything

阅读: The False Economy of not Changing Anything


处理这种复杂性的一种常见策略是避免进行任何更改(最近影响了许多金融机构的一个例子:在较旧的第三方应用程序中缺乏TLS 2支持)。

Usually, three key reasons are given for adopting a no-change strategy.

First, many of these systems are hard to update. In the worst cases, the source code was lost years ago and the original vendor went out of business before the customer’s technical staff was born. In more typical cases, the code was not originally designed to accommodate updates. Vendors concocted a wide variety of schemes to enable customers to update the code. These usually involve matching source code line numbers between the installed version of a product and a set of updates, or some “clever” method even more fragile than that. Complicating the matter further, most customers have made local custom changes to the code over the years, so the line numbers don’t match and the customized routines may not work with the updates installed. Once the technical staff manages to get a stable version of the application working, people leave it alone until it breaks. They may forego更新是因为应用更改的麻烦实在太大了。


第三,任何历史悠久的大型企业upwards of 2,500 applications in production at any given time. It also has quite a few different platforms in the environment, and different versions of each platform to support different applications that vary from convention in unique ways or that have dependencies on obsolete versions of libraries. Even a company that has 100,000 employees doesn’t have enough technical staff to keep up with all that. If they tried to keep all their systems up to date, the technical staff would have no time to do any other work.




It might surprise you to learn how many well-established and trustworthy institutions are running their systems justthis closeto disaster, every day. A single hardware fault could affect customers to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. The delay involved in updating key legacy applications to support a new regulatory requirement could cost tens of thousands per month in fines.

Most of the larger, older companies are running at least one mission-critical application on a hardware platform or operating system version that is no longer supported. Every year they leave that system in place they increase the financial impact that will hit them when it finally fails.

大公司有明确灾难重建very (DR) plans. They routinely test their DR procedures at least once annually; sometimes more often than that. The problem is that they typically don’t keep their DR procedures up to date with respect to new applications and technical resources. Their DR testing processes don’t properly exercise the DR plan; they don’t go to the extent of bringing up the full data center at the hot site. They just hit a few high points.


If it’s hard, do it often


One mantra of the Agile community is that if something is hard, do it often. Do it so often that it becomes routine. Do it so often that you完全了解压力升高时该怎么做。经常这样做,如果存在缺陷,例如不可读的数据库备份,您会发现它there’s a crisis.


The approach works well for application updates, too. I’ve worked with client personnel when they had to update a third-party package by matching up line numbers. When their management insisted they not apply updates until it was absolutely unavoidable, they had to apply updates for version 25.32 of a system, released in 2017, to their current production version 3.01, released in 1986. The vendor provides help for customers running old releases as far back as 23.0, just in case everyone isn’t quite up to date. Quite nice of them. It’s precisely as much fun as it sounds. (I made up those numbers, by the way. But you get the point.)

这就是虚假经济becomes obvious. The amount of time technical staff must spend to sort out that kind of an update is very costly. Had they simply applied each update as it was released down through the years, it would be a painless no-brainer, completed in minutes or hours. And if the DR plan had been properly exercised, they could make the changes without fear, confident in their recovery process. Instead, the company pays direct cost of labor for an extraordinary number of work hours, plus opportunity cost of all the work the staff isnot在他们浏览更新时,请按行行。



What about the third reason to keep things the same…insufficient number of technical people to keep up with all the changes? It turns out that the more frequently they apply updates to the systems, the easier and quicker it becomes. The reason they don’t have time to update everything today is that they’ve allowed things to deteriorate for so long. Once they get to the point that updates are routine, they’ll be able to handle the workload.


下一个2017年敏捷 - Mike Griffiths和Johanna Rothman在PMI敏捷实践指南中


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